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To whom would like to leave a comment on this blog. I humbly apologise that I (author) necessary to set the 'moderation' system especially for every comment before it will be published. The reason is, recently, there are many spams simultaneously occurred in one blog of mine. Please kindly not angry or annoy this action of mine, if you won't see your comments immediately publish. Thank you very much. :))

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Announcement: Move to another BLOG

Hi, Guys!

It's been a very long time since I last published anything on this blog. Finally, I've decided to start writing posts in English once again!

I apologize that I'll be discontinuing this blog; however, I'll be moving my English articles to my main blog, which is primarily written in Thai (the language of Thailand):  AmmyMemory

While this AmmyMemoryEN will be abandoned soon after I finish this post. I'll still leave it here, and won't delete it.

Anyway, I've started publishing my very first English article on my main blog after such a long time. You can find the contents here: English articles (click). I hope you find it interesting.

Lastly, all of the published Anime Review posts here will be republished there too (for easy access).

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for all your support!

AmmyMemory / AmmyMemoryEN